August 3–8, 2007
Dayton, OH
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Index: PC 2007 Round 14
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Caption List
- Nawapadol Sayavesa vs. Joe Edley.
- Brian Cappelletto vs. Panupol Sujjayakorn. Dee Segrest and Kate Watson on annotation.
- Alyssa Faria squares off against Jeremy Cahnmann in vestments.
- Mark Edelson vs. Wallace Schultz.
- Rafi Stern vs. Jean McArthur.
- Betzy Collins vs. Ron Barker.
- Div 5 director, Carol Ravichandran, and her able assistant over the weekend, Amanda Hubble.
- Tina Cur vs. Jeremy Jeffers.
- Jeremy Jeffers completes paperwork in his game with Tina Cur while Sue Gable collects her tiles.
- Katya Lezin vs. Angela Dancho.
- Thomas Michaels and Tim Michaels. The family that plays together...
- Cheryl Cadieux on Protile pickup duty.
- Steve Polatnick and Robert Kahn.
- Jesse Matthews vs. Sammy Okosagah.
- Dave Wiegand vs. Pakorn Nemitrmansuk.
- Keith Smith, Orry Swift, and Steve Polatnick discussing the day's games.
- Joel Wapnick and Pakorn Nemitrmansuk pick up tiles while Dave Wiegand reads the dictionary.
- Jesse Day vs. Steve Grob.
- Panupol Sujjayakorn and Brian Cappelletto discuss their endgame. Lending assistance, Mike Baron and Dee Segrest.
- Down to the wire: Brian Cappelletto had 4 seconds left and Panupol Sujjayakorn had 9 seconds left.
- Marlon Hill chatting with John Chew.
- Thacha Koowirat, Pakorn Nemitrmansuk, and Nawapadol Sayavesa check out board 1 as played by Panupol Sujjayakorn.
- Panupol Sujjayakorn, speaking exclusively in Thai, explains the final plays to Nawapadol Sayavesa.